
William Inglis & Son Refurbished Oaklands Complex

The recently completed Oaklands complex for Australia's largest and oldest bloodstock auctioneer, William Inglis and Son Ltd. is approximately 30km north of the Melbourne CBD on 100 acres of land on which we have refurbished a world class indoor sales auditorium and adjacent structures (reception, restaurant and café).

A collaborative team effort was essential to the success of this outcome. Big thank you to the entire team including: Case Meallin, WRAP Consulting Engineering, Simon Vivian, Arthur Inglis, Brendan Watts, Tom Crawford, Paul Galati, Gregory McCormack, Wade McCormack, Pino Carrozza, David McCarthy, SRS MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS, Warranknox Electrical, Monaco Sound Pty Ltd, Matt Copeland, Eymac, John Guyett, Mark Stella, The Andrews Group, McKenzie Group Consulting, Profurn bv.

For more information watch an interview with Simon Vivian, Inglis’ Bloodstock Manager and Paul Galati, Project Manager from McCormack.

McIldowie Partners